4 Reasons You Should Raise Chickens (According to a Someone Who’s Never Done It)

4 Reasons You Should Raise Chickens (According to a Someone Who’s Never Done It)

I’ve never raised chickens. In fact, I’ve never even had a pet chicken. But I do own a feed store, and I think everyone should own chickens. So here are four reasons why I think you should raise chickens, even if you’re as inexperienced as I am.

1. They’re Great for Your Garden

Chickens are natural gardeners. They love to eat bugs and grubs, and their manure is great for your plants. Plus, having chickens scratching around in your garden will aerate the soil and keep it healthy. So if you’re looking for a way to have a healthier garden with less work, raising chickens is the way to go.

2. They Provide Fresh Eggs

This one is pretty obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. If you raise chickens, you’ll have a never-ending supply of fresh eggs. And we all know that fresh eggs are better than store-bought eggs. They taste better, they’re more nutritious, and they just feel more… well, eggy. So if you want the best possible eggs, raising chickens is the way to go.

3. They Make Great Pets

Contrary to popular belief, chickens can be quite friendly and affectionate. They bond with their owners and can even be trained to do simple tricks. So if you’re looking for a pet that’s low-maintenance but still fun and loving, a chicken might be the perfect choice for you.

4. They Teach Responsibility

If you have kids, raising chickens is a great way to teach them responsibility. Caring for another living creature instills empathy and compassion in children, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment when they see their chickens thriving because of their care. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get them outside and away from screens for a while!

Chickens are amazing creatures that offer so many benefits to those who choose to raise them. Whether you want fresh eggs, healthy plants, or just a low-maintenance pet, chickens are a great choice.

But don't listen to me, I just sell chicken feed at my local feed store. Come in and chat with any of our loyal customers, they love their chickens so much!

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